


Centre for Transnational and Global History Previous Events (2015-2020)


Transnational Disruptions: Decline, Renewal, or Change? (19 March 2020)


Reading Group on Travel Writing 

IAS Book Launch: Re-Mapping Centre and Periphery 

"Social Movements and Revolutionary Imagination: Reassessing the Italian 1969 'Hot Autumn' in a Transnational Perspective". Round-table discussion with Stefan Berger (Institute for Social Movements, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany); Ilaria Favretto (Kingston) 

IHR Modern Italian History Seminar: Fernanda Gallo (Bath): Hegel in Italy. Nationality and State in Risorgimento Political Thought 


History of Political Ideas Seminar. Roundtable Discussion: Axel Körner, America in Italy: the United States in the Political Thought and Imagination of the Risorgimento, 1763-1865

Book Launch: Axel Körner, America in Italy: the United States in the Political Thought and Imagination of the Risorgimento, 1763-1865 


Workshop: Squatting in East and West Europe 

UCL Centre for Transational History, Annual Lecture: Nicola Miller (UCL), Republics of Knowledge: Reinterpreting the World from Latin America? 

Remapping Centre and Periphery: Asymmetrical Encounters in European and Global Context, 1500-2000 

UCL Public Symposium: What is Latin about Latin America? 

Warburg Conference: Classical Traditions in Latin American History 

Lecture: Nathan Wachtel (Collège de France), The 'Jewish Indian Theory': the Problem of the Origin of the American Populations (XVI-XVIICenturies) 

Presentation of two new books (held as part of the Institute of Historical Research's Modern Italian History series)

Conceptualising the Italian South (seminar held as part of the Institute of Historical Research's Modern Italian History series)


CTH Annual Lecture: Giuseppe Mazzini in (and beyond) the History of Human Rights

Passionate Politics Reading Group Meetings