


Project Team (Cameroon)

Professor Ahmadou Sehou

Professor Ahmadou Sehou







Professor Ahmadou Sehou is Professor of Political and Social History at the University of Maroua (Cameroon). His work focuses on the history of slavery, the slave trade and memories of the slave trade in the African, Atlantic and Islamic contexts. He was Researcher-Resident at the Institute of Advanced Studies of Nantes (IEA) promotion 2020-2021. He also participates in the European project "Slavery in Africa: a dialogue between Europe and Africa" (Slafnet-Rise H2017-2023). He is an associate member of the Centre de Recherches en Histoire Internationale et Atlantique (CRHIA, Nantes University and University of La Rochelle) and of the International Association les Anneaux de la Mémoire with which he has conducted several studies on sites of memory and museums. He is also the founder and coordinator of the Centre d'Etudes Pluridisciplinaires sur l'Esclavage et la Traite en Afrique (CERPETA-Cameroon). He has just been appointed President of the African Slavery Researchers Network, created in Dakar on the 9th of November 2022.

Dr Samson Mengolo Mbel

Dr Samson Mengolo Mbel











Dr Samson Mengolo Mbel is a lecturer and researcher in the Department of History and African Civilisations at the University of Buea (South West Cameroon). His research focuses on the archaeology of historical periods, the processes of patrimonialisation, and representations and uses of the history of the slave trade and slavery in Southern Cameroon. He is the author of a recent article on the La'a Pou memorial in Bangou, a post-slavery society in West Cameroon, published in NaKaN, A journal of Cultural Studies, Issue 1, 2022. He is a member of the Centre d'Études et de Recherches Pluridisciplinaires sur l'Esclavage et la Traite en Afrique and has participated in the Slafnet and Slamranet programmes. He is currently team leader of the Afrab project for the West, South-West and North-West regions of Cameroon.

Nkwiyir Marina Mungfub

A Black woman wearing a black tshirt with One Peace written on it in yellow and green













Nkwiyir Marina Mungfub is a Postgraduate student at the Department of History, University of Buea, Cameroon. She is currently writing a PhD thesis on: 'Cultural Memory and Slavery in the Post Slavery Societies of the Grassfields of Cameroon'. In 2022, she was a panelist at an international conference organised by SLAFCO entitled 'Slavery in Africa: Knowledge and Openings' in Yaoundé, Cameroon. Her presentation focused on historically migrant workers in the coastal region of Cameroon: slave descendants between ideological hegemony and political powerlessness. Also in 2022, as a member of the AFRAB Cameroon team, she participated at the conference on 'La recherche sur les esclavages dans le monde : un état des lieux' jointly organised by l’Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie and la Fondation pour la Mémoire de l’Esclavage, in Dakar -Sénégal. Within the AFRAB Project, she is interested in identifying abolitionists in Cameroon where her work includes: conducting interviews, consulting archival documents and museum objects in the North West, South West and West regions.

Dr Joseph Jules Sinang

A Black man in a blue top










Dr Joseph Jules Sinang is a lecturer in the History Department of the Faculty of Arts, Letters and Humanities at the University of Yaoundé 1 in Cameroon and a researcher at the Centre d'Etudes et des Recherches Pluridisciplinaires sur l'Esclavage et les Traites en Afrique (CERPETA). His work focuses on environmental history and issues of subjugation in contemporary societies in relation to otherness. Since 2017, he has participated in numerous research networks on slavery such as the European programme "Slavery in Africa (SLAFNET): A Dialogue between Europe and Africa" (H2020, Rise programme) devoted to the study of the history and legacy of slave trade and slavery, the projects Slavery, Memory and Race in Colonial and Postcolonial world (SLAMARANET) which questions the diversity of forms of slavery in relation to questions of race and citizenship and African Abolitionism: The Rise and Transformations of Anti-Slavery in Africa  (AFRAB) where he is interested in the attitude of local chiefs to the Western abolition of the slave trade. In October 2023, he will join the Institut d'Etudes Avancées (IEA) in Nantes as a resident for a period of nine months, where he will develop his research project entitled, "Slavery in the forest-dwelling societies of Central Africa: Definitions, issues and legacies. 

Janvier Guidang Tchinabi


A Black man in a white outfit and hat stood outside a building










Janvier GUIDANG TCHINABI is a student researcher in history at the University of Maroua in Cameroon. He also holds a Diploma as a Secondary School Teacher Second Grade (DIPES II). His research focuses on the history of slavery in the Lake Chad region, from its origins to the present day. He is a member of the Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Pluridisciplinaires sur l'Esclavage et la Traite en Afrique (CERPETA) and a project activity assistant for the AFRAB Project Cameroon Team.