Chair of the MA Board of Examiners: Michael Collins
Chair of the MARS Board of Examiners: Catherine Keen (SELCS)
Tutor to MARS, John Sabapathy
Chair of the MA Board of Classics, Ancient History and Archaeology: TBC
Tutor to MA Ancient and LABS, Paola Ceccarelli
Classics, Ancient History and Archaeology, 12 October 2016
Terms of Reference
1. | There must be a Programme Board of Examiners responsible for every taught programme. |
2. | A Programme Board of Examiners may be responsible for one or more taught programmes, and/ or groups of modules. The structure of the Board must be approved by the relevant Faculty Board(s) of Examiners. |
3. | The Programme Board of Examiners will report to the Faculty Board of Examiners. In the case of Combined Studies or multidisciplinary programmes the Programme Board of Examiners should report to the Faculty Board of Examiners for the Faculty in which the programme is registered. |
4. | The Programme Board of Examiners will make recommendations to UCL Education Committee, which has the authority to confer UCL qualifications. |
5. | The Programme Board of Examiners may delegate authority to the Chair, or to a sub-group of itself, to implement decisions on its behalf. |
6. | The Programme Board of Examiners has the following responsibilities: |
a) | To set, safeguard and monitor the academic standards of the programme. | |
b) | To ensure that assessment, marking and moderation processes are appropriate, rigorous and fair. | |
c) | To ensure equity of treatment for students. | |
d) | To ensure that assessment has been conducted within UCL's regulations and guidance. | |
e) | To confirm module marks and determine each student's eligibility for progression, condonement, award and classification. | |
f) | To recommend students for the award of a qualification to UCL Education Committee. | |
g) | To agree actions in the event of failure including condoned failure and resit provisions. | |
h) | To implement, where required, the decisions of the Faculty/Departmental Extenuating Circumstances Panel(s). | |
i) | To receive a report from each External Examiner on the appropriateness of the assessment process and on the extent to which the regulations governing the assessment of students have been rigorously and consistently applied. | |
j) | To ensure that programme teams respond to issues raised by the External Examiner(s). | |
k) | To highlight any issues for discussion at Faculty or institutional level. | |
l) | To consider any matter referred to it by the Faculty Board of Examiners or the Education Committee of UCL. |
1. | Each Programme Board of Examiners must include: |
a) | A Chair | |
b) | A Deputy Chair | |
c) | One Internal Examiner for each main subject area covered | |
d) | One External Examiner for each main subject area covere | |
e) | A Faculty Representative (as a non-voting observer) | |
f) | A named secretary (as a non-voting attendee) |
2. | Where the Chair of the Board considers it appropriate, an Internal or External Examiner may be appointed to examine across more than one subject area. |
3. | Other Faculties involved with the delivery and examination of a programme may be represented by an appropriate Faculty Representative. |
4. | The secretary to the Board should be responsible for coordinating all communications with Internal Examiners and External Examiners. |
Further information on quoracy, anonymity, confidentiality and conflict of interest can be found on the website for the Academic Manual.