


Personal tutors

Role of the personal tutor

The personal tutor is the first point of call for students seeking informal advice about their academic progress, personal development or general well-being. UCL requires that all students have access to a personal tutor but does not offer specific guidance as to the tutor's responsibilities. The department has therefore created its own policy and advice on the personal tutor's role.

Tutorial days 2016-17

In 2016/7, personal tutorial meetings should take place at the following times:

  • w/c Monday 3 October (continuing students only, to discus the year ahead)
  • w/c Monday 12 December (to discuss first term progress reports)
  • w/c Monday 27 February (to discuss module choices and progress)
  • w/c Monday 24 April (to discuss impending examinations and progress)
  • Friday 9 June (to discuss examination performance and academic year)

Please encourage all of your personal tutees to schedule a meeting with you on these dates.