When it comes to the study of Greek warfare during the late Archaic and early Classical periods, modern scholarship has tended to approach it in two different ways. Either the topic is dealt with separately from the main body of work, or instead the author, choosing to ignore land warfare completely, concentrates all of his attention on naval matters. Both approaches present a common feature, in that neither attempts to see both naval warfare and land warfare as parts of the one whole that is ancient Greek warfare. Vincent's research aims to examine both the extent to which this approach reflects the realities of the time, and if not, how considering naval and land warfare as two parts of the one whole that is 'Greek warfare' can help us better understand it.
Supervisor: Hans van Wees
Working title: '"ἡ πεζὴ στρατιὰ καὶ τὸ ναυτικὸν": Reintegrating the Navy into Ancient Greek Warfare, 499-362 BC'
Expected completion date: 2026
Conference papers and presentations
- 'Training for War, Skill and Specialisation in early Classical Greece: Perspectives from the Se', Postgraduate work-in-progress seminar, Senate House Library, May 2017.