Jorge’s project studies Latin American intellectual history from a comparative perspective. Focusing on liberalism in Colombia and Chile, his thesis explores the connections among intellectuals from these countries and compares how they answered questions regarding the political regime and citizenship in the context of the postcolonial nation building. By doing this, this project intends to open up an agenda of research that examines Latin American political thought from a transnational perspective, and defies the historiography that characterises it as only derivative from its European counterpart.
Before undertaking his postgraduate studies, Jorge worked as adjunct lecturer and coordinator of the project Antioquia Visible at the Universidad EAFIT, in Medellín, Colombia. The Colombian Ministry of Science and Innovation funds Jorge.
Supervisors: Nicola Miller (first supervisor); William Selinger (second supervisor)
Working title: Liberal thought in comparative perspective: the cases of Colombia and Chile, 1820-1880.
Expected completion date: 2024
Peer-reviewed journal article:
- Varela Yepes, Jorge Andrés, “En busca de una comunidad intelectual hispanoamericana: la circulación de autores hispanoamericanos y liberalismo en Colombia, 1848-1890”, in: Co-herencia, Vol. 16, No. 31, Julio-diciembre, 2019, pp. 259-289.
Working paper
- Ibáñez, Ana María and Varela, Jorge, Tierras, poder politico y violencia en Cereté, Chinú, Ciénaga de Oro y Sahagún: un breve recuento histórico y condiciones actuales. Bogotá: Documento CEDE No. 41, agosto de 2018, Universidad de los Andes.
Teaching 2020 (postgraduate teaching assistant)
- Writing History