


Dr Julietta Steinhauer

Julietta Steinhauer joined UCL in September 2014 and is Associate Professor in Hellenistic History. Her research focuses on religion, religious minorities and migration in the Aegean during the Hellenistic period.

Julietta is a researcher of the ‘Localism and religion in Ancient Greece’ project at the university of Münster where she is working on her current project on migration and local religion.

PhD supervision

Julietta is interested in receiving research proposals from prospective students on topics including Greek religion, migration, gender, and (in)equality in the Hellenistic period.

Current students: Emily James, ‘Tanagra figurines in their ritual context’; Simon Bralee, ‘Anubis outside Egypt’; Rebecca Daly ‘Women on Kos and their roles in Koan cults’; Amaryllis Georges ‘Sexual violence in Classical Athens’. 

Major publications

  • Edited by Julietta Steinhauer (et al) Beneath the Surface: Gender and Agency in Religious Contexts in Antiquity, Special Issue Religion and Gender, Leiden/Boston, Brill 2024 
  • Steinhauer, J., ‘Between local and global: Religion in late Hellenistic Delos’, in: H. Beck/J. Kindt (eds) Local Horizons of ancient Greek Religion, CUP 2022 pp. 290-311Steinhauer, J., ‘Religious practice and the Delian neighbourhoods’, in: RRE 6, 2020, pp. 138-158
  • Steinhauer, J., ‘Dionysian associations and the Bacchanalian affair’, in: F. Mac Góráin (ed.) Dionysus in Rome (Trends in Classics Supplementary Volume series, De Gruyter) 2020, pp. 133-155.
  • Steinhauer, J., ‘Socio-religious networks of ‘foreign’ women in Hellenistic Delos and beyond’, in: M. Dana (et al.) La cité interconnectée, Bordeaux 2019, pp. 223-237.
  • Steinhauer, J., Religious Associations in the Post-Classical Polis (Potsdamer Altertumswissenschaftliche Beiträge), Stuttgart 2014.

For a full list of publications, see Julietta's Iris profile.

Media appearances
