Domenico Giordani joined UCL in 2021 as a Research Fellow working on the ERC-funded project “Ordering, Constructing, Empowering: Fragments of the Roman Republican Antiquarians” (FRRAnt). He holds a DPhil in Classical Languages and Literature from the University of Oxford (St John’s) and worked as Language Instructor at the Faculty of Classics at Oxford as well as Lecturer in Latin at Lady Margaret Hall (Oxford).
His research interests gravitate around textual criticism, early Roman comedy and metre, socio-linguistics, and the application of interpretative frames drawn from anthropological literature to the study of ancient and pre-modern societies.
In his capacity as member of the FRRAnt team, he contributes to the editing and commenting of the scattered remains of antiquarian works from the Republican period. His other projects include a critical edition of Titus Maccius Plautus’ Stichus (in progress for the Editiones Plautinae Sarsinates series), a critical edition with commentary of Trinummus (in progress for Oxford University Press), and a monograph on silence and marginality in Roman culture.
Selected publications
- “Varro’s Antiquitates rerum humanarum: Defining Roman Republican Antiquarianism” (in preparation).
- “Varro’s Quaestiones Plautinae: Nonius and a Scrap of Republican Antiquarianism” (in preparation).
- “Rhythmic Variations and Interspersed Lines in Plautus”, RCCM (forthcoming in 2023 issue): ca. 40 pp.
- “Una cena cinica: due note testuali al banchetto di Stichus’, RCCM 63, 1, 2021: 155–62
- “A Metre for Madness: Note on Enn. scen. 21 Joc.”, RCCM 62, 1, 2020: 109–11
- “Ad imitatione delli antiqui: Philologie und Theater in den Plautinischen Studien des Tommaso ‘Fedra’ Inghirami”, in the peer-reviewed volume by Th. Baier and T. Dänzer (eds), Plautus in der Frühen Neuzeit, Tübingen, Narr Verlag, 2020: 111–31
- “A proposito dello scurra plautino. Truc. 482–96 alla luce di una nuova proposta etimologica”, in the peer-reviewed volume by R. Raffaelli and A. Tontini (eds), Lecturae Plautinae Sarsinates XX-XXI. Truculentus / Vidularia, Urbino, Quattroventi, 2017: 153–67
- “Riflessioni su Trin. 267”, in the peer-reviewed volume by R. Raffaelli and A. Tontini (eds), Lecturae Plautinae Sarsinates XIX. Trinummus, Urbino, Quattroventi, 2016: 113–21
Other projects
Domenico is a member of the International Centre of Plautine Studies (CISP) run by the university of Urbino and co-runs Early Text Cultures (ETC), a research network based at Oxford which promotes interdisciplinary research on a variety of pre-modern text cultures. He has translated Gian Biagio Conte’s last book (Virgilian Parerga. Textual Criticism and Stylistic Analysis, de Gruyter, Berlin-Boston, 2021) into English.
Research Interests:
Plautus, ecdotics, metre, socio-linguistics, Roman comedy, Varro, anthropology, antiquarianism, history of ancient and modern scholarship.