Lecturer (Teaching) and Honorary Research Associate

Simo Muir an Honorary Research Associate at UCL. His current research focuses on the cultural reactions to the Holocaust and post-war politics of memory among Finnish Jews. Muir has an MA in Yiddish Studies from SOAS (University of London) and he received his doctorate from the University of Helsinki in 2004. His PhD focused on the Yiddish language and culture in Helsinki from a linguistic and socio-linguistic perspective.
Muir is currently a co-investigator in a Finnish Academy funded project called “Roma and Nordic Societies – Historical security practices of the majority and strategies of the minority” run by the Centre For Nordic Studies (CENS, University of Helsinki). During 2015-17 he was a postdoctoral research fellow in an AHRC funded project called “Performing the Jewish Archive” at the University of Leeds. In 2011-13 he was a member of a Finnish Academy funded project called “Cultures of Silence – Evolution of a Finnish Version of Vergangenheitsbewältigung”.
Simo's field interests include:
- Yiddish culture during and after Shoah
- Jewish history in Finland
- Postwar politics of memory
Visit Dr Simo Muir's full profile for additional information, publications, and achievements.