Research Associate

Sonya Yampolskaya is Research Associate at the UCL. She completed her BA (2004) and MA (2006) at the St Petersburg State University in the Department of Semitic languages. Later on, she completed her second MA (2010) and PhD program at the European University of St Petersburg in the Department of Cultural Anthropology and Sociolinguistics, where she took part in several research expeditions in Eastern Europe. In 2017, she completed her doctorate at the St Petersburg State University. Her thesis focused on linguistic and sociolinguistic features of European Hebrew development in the late 19th early 20th centuries.
Yampolskaya is currently a Research Associate with Dr Lily Kahn in a research project about Maskilic Hebrew grammar.
Her research interests include:
- Hebrew language (Maskilic and premodern period)
- Yiddish language (Yiddish dialects and Hasidic Yiddish)
- Diglossia
- Multilingualism
- Field linguistics
- Language vernacularisation
- Minority and endangered languages
- Sociolinguistics
- Pragmatics
Yampolskaya taught Modern Hebrew, Medieval Hebrew poetry, Hebrew literature of the 19th-early 20th centuries, and Ashkenazic poetry at St Petersburg State University (2009-2016). In 2016-2017 she taught Modern Hebrew and lectured on sociolinguistics and Jewish studies at the Higher School of Economics, Department of Asian and African Studies. She also lectures on linguistics, sociolinguistics and Jewish languages in the MA Jewish Studies Core Course at UCL.