There are numerous ways you can help UCL's response, from volunteering your skills to equipment donations.
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Call for assistance from scientific modelling community: Rapid Assistance in Modelling the Pandemic
The Royal Society is coordinating a call-out for members of the scientific community (senior researchers, postgraduate students, postdocs and retired academics) with skills in computer modelling to volunteer their time to a pandemic modelling. No direct expertise in pandemic models is required. See more information and volunteer.
UK Parliament Covid-19 Expert Database
The Knowledge Exchange Unit at UK Parliament is looking for expert insights into many topics relating to Covid-19 and its impacts – covering everything from agriculture to taxation. If you have relevant expertise, join their Expert Database to help shape the debate and pass pressing legislation.
‘Academics Need to Talk’ global networking initiative
The Academic Careers Office (ACO) is launching a new scheme to help academics across the world stay in touch, develop new partnerships and spread kindness. The scheme is open to anyone at any institution in the world. To join, create a Calendly account then follow the instructions on the ACO’s website.
Volunteering with UCL Together
The coronavirus outbreak has affected our working lives in many ways. For some, there is an increase in workload, but others are left with more time in their hands. To tackle these challenges, UCL Human Resources has developed a new initiative to connect teams in need of more support. You can request temporary support or volunteer your time and skills. Please see more here.

UCL Coronavirus Response Fund
Help UCL find solutions to the challenges that coronavirus brings, at a pace that would under normal circumstances be considered impossible. Give now.

Funding calls
Latest research opportunities from external funders
Visit UCL's regularly updated database of research funding opportunities from external funders aimed at addressing the COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts. Calls with deadlines are listed first, followed by open calls with no fixed closing date. Access the full list from this webpage.
UKRI open call for research and innovation to address Covid-19
Proposals are invited for short term projects addressing and mitigating the health, social, economic and environmental impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak. There is no closing date – proposals can be submitted at any time. Learn more and apply.
NIHR travel and subsistence funding to support LMIC engagement during Covid-19
The awards will provide travel and subsistence funding to appropriately qualified public health professionals, clinicians and academics who wish to offer science and technical advice to support the immediate response to COVID-19 in low and middle-income countries. See more information and apply. Deadline 31 December 2020.
Coronavirus Funding Monitor
A curated list of international open funding calls and other support for researchers, updated daily.