
UCL Institute of Healthcare Engineering


IHE Early-Career Researcher Travel Bursaries

24 March 2022

Conferences are back! And so are our ECR Travel Bursaries. Apply for up to £500 towards the cost of your conference expenses.


January 2023: Please note the ECR Travel Bursary is currently paused. We will make an announcement when it reopens.

The IHE ECR Travel Bursary aims to support our early-career researchers in sharing their healthcare engineering research nationally and abroad. By promoting world-class healthcare engineering research to a wide audience, we hope to pave the way for interdisciplinary networking and collaboration. 

Before the pandemic put a pause on in-person conferences, we helped 15 early-career researchers attend conferences from Bordeaux to Melbourne. You can read more about their experiences here

I was very happy to find out that I was a recipient of the ECR Travel Bursary from UCL IHE. Thank you for the generous financial support towards my conference attendance. 

Thanks to this award, I was able to present my research progress and communicate with research scientists from academia and researchers. I obtained up-to-date information relevant to my work which will definitely assist with the writing the remainder up of my PhD thesis.” - Salfarina Saberi 


  • The ECR Travel Bursary is open to current UCL students (MSc and above) and postdoctoral researchers in a healthcare engineering or digital health-related field. 

  • You must have your abstract acceptance letter and proof of registration for the conference. 

  • You must provide a short supporting statement from your academic supervisor. 


  • We have a total funding pot of £5K available for this financial year. 

  • £250 towards a UK conference 

  • £500 towards an international conference 

  • Payment will be made by BACS transfer to your bank account 

What we ask from you: 

  • Please acknowledge the IHE in your presentation (we will provide a logo and an optional presentation template). 

  • A short blog-style report and photos about how you benefited from the conference experience.  

Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. To apply, complete the application form and submit it to the IHE team at healthcare-eng@ucl.ac.uk

We recognise that conference costs have increased in recent years and we want to do our best to ensure your conference visit is feasible. If you require additional funding to meet your costs, please contact us with a breakdown and explanation and we may be able to provide discretionary support.