Call for expression of interest to join UCL Healthcare Engineering’s Healthy Ageing working group
20 September 2021
UCL Institute of Healthcare Engineering (IHE) is inviting expressions of interest to join a research working group around technologies to enable healthy ageing.

This working group will build on IHE’s existing activity in this area, pulling together academic voices and disciplines from across UCL to tackle multi-faceted issues around ageing. A particular objective will be to help our community to be increasingly agile and responsive to large strategic funding calls.
‘Healthy ageing and multimorbidity across the life course’ is one of IHE’s research priority areas. There are many opportunities for medical and digital health technologies that address this challenge across the life course, from healthy conception and growth through to older age where many people are managing multiple long-term conditions.
Technologies range from apps that facilitate behaviour change for improved health through to advanced diagnostic and therapeutic technologies that support the delivery of highly individualised care. Future technologies are likely to exploit data on genetic, social and environmental determinants of health and support the integration of care across multi-morbidities.
IHE has a strong history of activity in this area already including a 2019 Healthy Ageing Symposium, leading partners of the CelebrAGE network, and extensive policy engagement such as workshops co-creating research questions with 50+ policy stakeholders and evidence submission for the Science and Technology (Lords) Committee's 2019 inquiry Ageing: Science, Technology and Healthy Living. The team run a national initiative, Age Innovation Hub, crowdsourcing ideas to enable healthy ageing and co-producing technologies to meet those needs. IHE will also launch an eight-week exhibition at Museum of the Home in November 2021, Tomorrow’s Home 2050, exploring all dimensions of our future home lives including living independently as we age.
If you are interested in joining this working group as a member, leading it as a Co-Chair or simply finding out more then please contact Marilyn Aviles,