Call for Collaborative Projects at the IHE Royal Free Hub
14 July 2021
UCL Engineering - under the umbrella of the Institute of Healthcare Engineering (IHE) - along with the UCL Medical School are opening the new IHE Royal Free Hub, based at the Royal Free Hospital.
Investigators are invited to apply for site access and working space, by proposing a project using the form below. In order to be considered, projects must have:
- A genuine need for working space at the Royal Free Hospital, where co-location between clinicians and engineers is essential to drive forward impactful research. Projects must be co-developed with and sponsored by Royal Free clinical teams.
- A plan for developing further funding of the proposed research.
The aim is to develop a thriving research hub, hosting many projects, with each project enhancing collaboration and translation.
In the form below, you can request desk space for up to 6 months in the first instance, and you must specify how long you envisage your project to be for. Desk allocation will be reviewed on a 6-monthly basis.
In order to reach out to as many people as possible, across the wide remit of UCL Engineering and the clinical research at the Royal Free Hospital, projects will be considered from PhD students, Post-Doctoral, Academic and Clinical staff.
Proposals will be assessed based on the following criteria:
- Need for an engineer-clinician collaboration
- Clinical impact and operational need
- Strength of sustainability and follow-on project funding plans
Timelines: Completed applications should be emailed to Dr Su-Lin Lee at ( by the 30th July 2021. Allocation of projects will be performed during August 2021, with a view to starting work during August/September 2021. Those projects that require Research Passports, or Honorary Contracts, will need to obtain these independently, and the proposed start date should reflect this. For all queries, please contact Dr Su-Lin Lee (