Announcing our UCL Healthcare Engineering Impact Fellows for 2020-21
9 November 2020
UCL Institute of Healthcare Engineering is delighted to have accepted 14 new cohort members onto our Impact Fellowship Scheme for 2020-21.
The new cohort began their Fellowship in October and will be focused on training and skills-building this term.
The one-year scheme will train and guide its Impact cohort to build their engagement skills and grow their network beyond university walls, building up to a tangible output at the end of the year. We aim to develop the cohort in how the impact of their work can be increased by working with media, involving patients, working with policy, working with innovation/industry and engaging the public and community groups.
The sucessful applicants cut across a wide range of discplines and departments within UCL's healthcare engineering community, and we are excited to see how the cohort learns from their peers and is strengthened through this diversity.
The initiative has been spearheaded by UCL Institute of Healthcare Engineering's Engagement Delivery Group. Email Georgie Cade, if you are interested in finding out more or have ideas for external organisations or potential mentors to engage in this programme.
We look forward to keeping you updated with how our Fellows progresses throughout the year!
UCL Institute of Healthcare Engineering's Impact Fellows:
- Dr Emma Wilson, UCL Great Ormond Streeth, Institute of Child Health
- Dr Helen Matthews, UCL MRC Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology
- Dr Julia Bailey, UCL e-Health Unit
- Rupy Matharu, UCL Mechanical Enginering
- Matthew Wilson, UCL Institute of Health Informatics
- Dr Nazia Mehrban, UCL Ear Institute
- Dr Sara Adela Abad Guaman, UCL Mechanical Engineering
- Dr Karen Lloyd, UCL Centre for Population Research
- Dr Peter Wijeratne, UCL Centre for Medical Image Computing (CMIC)
- Dr David Zargaran, Royal Free Hospital
- Dr Anika Kaura, UCL Ear Institute
- Elizabeth Edwards, UCL Biochemical Engineering
- Mr Reza Motallebzadeh, Royal Free Hospital
- Neel Desai, UCL School of Pharmacy