Tune into Stand Up to Cancer UK's telethon to see UCL research in action
26 October 2018
Our researcher Jamie McClelland is funded by Cancer Research UK to turn radiotherapy into a highly accurate, tumour obliterating tool.

The location of tumours and organs within the body changes even when a patient is lying still, for instance a tumour in the lung will move up and down as a person breathes, making aiming at it with absolute accuracy a challenge.
Jamie uses complex calculations and computer algorithms which combine radiotherapy with MRI scans. This real-time imaging allows for constant monitoring of the patient and will enable micro-precise targeting of the tumour, helping to avoid hitting healthy tissue instead – even when there’s movement.
Jamie does this using a new radiotherapy machine, the MR-Linac, which has the potential to revolutionise radiotherapy treatment. The MR-Linac combines two technologies, an MRI scanner and a linear accelerator, to precisely locate tumours and accurately deliver doses of radiation. UCL, in collaboration with the Institute of Cancer Research and the Christie Hospital in Manchester, is using information from the MR-Linac that estimates the 3D motion of organs to adapt and guide safe radiotherapy treatment delivery. Jamie works within UCL Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering and the Centre for Medical Image Computing (CMIC).
Find out more about Jamie’s research during tonight’s live Stand Up to Cancer telethon on Channel 4. Tune in from 7pm!