
UCL Institute of Healthcare Engineering


A New Institute at UCL to develop Healthcare Engineering

1 January 2018

On Tuesday 8th March 2016 a launch event was held at BMA House for the UCL Institute of Healthcare Engineering.

BMA House

Formerly UCL Institute of Biomedical Engineering, the new institute will take advantage of the university’s unique position in partnership with the leading research hospitals in London in order to successfully translate new engineering technologies into the clinic. The title of the institute was revised in order to ensure it closely matches the new vision.

Director, Professor Sebastien Ourselin comments “Our mission is to dramatically increase impact of our world-class research within the healthcare engineering domain through large-scale clinically-driven flagship programmes which can transform patient care.”

BMA House 2

Physical space will be established on-site at partner hospitals, enabling Clinicians and Engineers to research, train and develop new technology together. These hospitals include University College Hospital, Royal Free Hospital, Great Ormond Street Hospital, Royal National Orthopaedics Hospital, Moorfields Eye Hospital, National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Royal National Throat Nose and Ear Hospital and Eastman Dental Hospital.

Each of the Flagship Programmes are associated with a hospital and will encompass an ambitious long-term vision, achieved through targeted, shorter term research projects. These will focus on Dementia Care, Dental Care and Facial Reconstruction, Hearing Loss, Liver and Pancreatic Disease, Neuro-Oncology, Orthopaedics, Prostate Cancer, Vascular Disease, Vision Loss. It is hoped that further flagships will be established as new areas for progress are identified.