
UCL Institute of Healthcare Engineering


UCL Institute of Healthcare Engineering - Research Symposium

19 October 2023, 9:00 am–5:00 pm

Mark Miodownik and Gesche Huebner

Our annual research symposium is back for 2023! The Institute of Healthcare Engineering Symposium will showcase excellence in healthcare engineering from across UCL. Come along and learn about the latest advances taking place.

This event is free.

Event Information

Open to







UCL Institute of Healthcare Engineering


Henry Wellcome Auditorium
Wellcome Collection
183 Euston Road

Our event this year will feature:

  • Talks from leading researchers on the biggest challenges in healthcare – from mental health to cybersecurity
  • A spotlight on our IHE Summer Studentship Scheme which gives undergraduate UCL Engineering students an opportunity to spend 8-weeks working on a project in a hospital environment
  • A panel discussion around healthcare engineering solutions to air pollution
  • Talks from engineers and patient duos about their partnerships and the learning curves and benefits of patient engagement
  • And more!

This year's event is again hosted by former IHE Impact Fellow, Oriol Roche i Morgo (UCL Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics). Oriol (he/him) is a PhD student working on advanced x-ray imaging. Raised in Barcelona, he moved to London for his BSc in Physics with Medical Physics. He is interested in public engagement, which led him to the IHE Impact Fellowship 2021/2022.

Provisional agenda

9 – 10 am: Registration and refreshments 

10 – 10.15: Welcome 

10.15 - 11.15: Research case studies – major current challenges in healthcare 

- Digital interventions for mental health: Dr Bettina Moltrecht, Research Fellow in Population Health and Quantitative Social Science, UCL Institute of Education 

- Low-cost interventions for pregnancy and women’s health: Prof Anna David, Professor in Obstetrics and Maternal Fetal Medicine, Director of the Elizabeth Garrett Institute for Women’s Health 

- Cybersecurity of medical devices: Dr Irina Brass, Associate Professor in Regulation, Innovation and Public Policy at UCL Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy 

11.15 - 12: UCL/UCLH BRC initiatives in healthcare engineering and imaging, chaired by Prof Danny Alexander 

12 – 12.45: Commercialising healthcare engineering research

12.45 - 2: lunch, engagement activity stalls

- ChromaDose

- Digital Smell Self Care team

2 – 3: Panel discussion – healthcare engineering and solutions to pollution 

3 – 3.45: Spotlight on the IHE Summer Studentships

3.45 - 4.15: Spotlight on the IHE Healthy Ageing Challenge Awards and methods co-production 

4.15 - 5: Researchers and patients on their experiences of working together, featuring guests from the new IHE podcast, ‘Healthcare in a Handbasket’, chaired by Ferdouse Akhter, IHE Marketing & Community Manager 

5 – 5.30: Close of event, afternoon tea/networking