
UCL Institute of Healthcare Engineering


CHIMERA webinar with Professor Ilias Tachtsidis

25 November 2020, 3:00 pm–4:00 pm


A systems biology approach for in-silico interpretation and prediction of cerebral pathophysiology

This event is free.

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CHIMERA (Collaborative Healthcare Innovation through Mathematics, EngineeRing and AI)

The brain is extremely sensitive to imbalances in oxygen and metabolic substrate supply and demand. Even short periods of inadequate supply (i.e. supply not matched to demand) can result in permanent tissue injury that translates into poor outcome for patients. We have an established programme of work which has combined the development of novel multimodal neuromonitoring with a computational model of brain physiology to deliver an integrated approach to the acquisition and interpretation of data from healthy volunteers, animal research and brain injured patients including newborns with hypoxic-ischaemic injury. In my talk, I will introduce our computational models and provide examples of how we have used them to understand and evaluate our neuromonitoring signals and beyond that to test pathophysiological hypothesis and develop novel biomarkers.

About the Speaker

Professor Ilias Tachtsidis

Professor in Biomedical Engineering at UCL Medical Physics & Biomedical Enginering

Professor Tachtsidis research is multi-disciplinary crossing engineering, physics, neuroscience and clinical medicine. His focus is to engineer the next generation of optical non-invasive systems and appropriate computational tools for brain monitoring and imaging in the clinical environment. He has authored more than 130 publications and is recognized as an international expert in the field of biomedical optics developments.