Commercialise your research & engage with industry: lunchtime session (UCL academic/PIs)
27 November 2018, 1:00 pm–3:00 pm

Interested in how to commercialise your research, form a spin-out company, get paid for external consultancy work, create partnerships with industry and access internal funding?
Event Information
Open to
- UCL staff
- Yes
Institute of Healthcare Engineering
422Roberts BuildingTorrington PlaceLondonWC1E 7JEUnited Kingdom
The Institute of Healthcare Engineering is hosting a lunchtime session on how to engage with industry and innovation, aimed at UCL academic staff and principal investigators.
Learn about the structures available at UCL for engaging with business and create a support plan moving forward. Hear from speakers from UCL Innovation and Enterprise, UCL Consultants and UCL Business with space for discussion and lunch. There will be an emphasis on facilitating outputs from the workshop and supporting you in future innovation and industry engagement. There will also be a short briefing on BEAMS funding opportunities and upcoming consortium-building activity for the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund: Healthy Ageing.
13.00 – 13.20: Vassilis Georgiadis, UCL Innovation and Enterprise
13.20 – 13.40: Andrew Duncan, UCL Consultants
13.40 – 14.00: Weng Wong, UCL Business
14.00 - 14.10: Eugenio Zapata-Solvas, BEAMS Research Facilitation
14.10 – 15.00: Discussion
Lunch and refreshments will be provided.