
UCL Institute of Healthcare Engineering


Odin Vision: space technology to fight bowel cancer

UCL spin-out company Odin Vision has received £1 million funding to use space technology to improve the early detection and diagnosis of bowel cancer.

Dan Stoyanov and Peter Mountney

23 July 2019

The revolutionary artificial intelligence (AI) system identifies and characterises polyps by analysing live colonoscopy video, leading to early treatment and saved lives. 

The project will use secure, high-speed satellite communications with bespoke space compression software to create a cloud-based AI system that can support doctors in their decision making. Through the use of space technology, the system can be deployed anywhere on earth enabling patients to receive a consistent, high level of care. 

"We are moving into a new era of healthcare where Artificial Intelligence (AI) will support doctors to identify and diagnose cancer faster and more effectively". 

— Peter Mountney, CEO of Odin Vision 

The project is a collaboration between Odin Vision, University College London (UCL) and University College London Hospital (UCLH) with support from Avanti Communications and SEHTA and funding of £1million from the UK Space Agency. Odin Vision is a UCL spin-out supported through UCLB’s Portico Ventures programme. The academic research for the project has taken place at WEISS, UCL. 

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