Core Values
Open, honest and transparent
- Being open and honest about any personal and institutional agendas.
- Being open and honest about how and why decisions are made.
- Being open and honest about what we are doing, including how we do it.
- Being transparent about what we can and can't do - not overpromising.
Reflective, responsive and adaptable
- Being aware of the limitations of our own knowledge and capability, and embrace a culture of continuous learning.
- Ensuring we make time for reflection before we act.
- Actively questioning our assumptions and judgements.
Addressing power dynamics
- Acknowledging and reflecting on our position of power as individuals.
- Trying to address power imbalances and hierarchies through our ways of working.
- Being supported to question and challenge the way things are done.
- Being brave and forging solutions to challenges that we face, and developing our ways of working to assist us in reaching these solutions.
- We act equitably, valuing and including diversity of knowledge, experience, and perspectives.
- Build trusting relationships through open communication and respect.
- Being sensitive to the people we involve in what we do and mindful of the stigma they may face/trauma they may have and acting accordingly.
- Striving to ensure the psychological safety of everyone involved in what we do.
- Being kind to ourselves and others if mistakes are made.

Find out more
The NIHR Policy Research Unit in Reproductive Health is part of the NIHR and hosted by UCL.