
UCL Health



ACCELERATE Success is a portfolio of events on skills development to support networking and communicating translational research ideas.


Check out ACCELERATE Success events and resources below


Building Your Professional Network

Translational research is all about collaboration- you can't do it alone. In this interactive workshop, you will learn how to start engaging in translational research by building your professional network and how to gain mentoring and support from senior colleagues and peers through effective networking. 

This workshop is aimed at researchers at UCL who would like to know more about how to make their research more translational and how to grow their network in this area. 

Learning Outcomes:
•    How to effectively get your message across
•    How to introduce yourself confidently
•    How to network proactively
•    How to apply networking skills to find mentoring support
Next Event: TBA. Find out about all upcoming ACCELERATE events and news.  

What's the Big Idea- Pitching Skills Training

Learn how to find the story of your translational research idea and how to confidently share it with those who might be able to help fund it- when it comes to effective communication, practice makes perfect. This workshop will combine theory and practical sessions on developing the perfect 2-minute pitch, confidently asking questions, as well as provide an opportunity to recieve feedback. 

Participants will be able to:

Define and apply the elements of an impactful pitch.  Explain and implement techniques for concisely answering questions under pressure. 


Next Event: TBA. Find out about all upcoming ACCELERATE events and news. 

Working Productively from Home 

Are you finding it challenging, or not possible, to continue your research from home during the COVID-19 pandemic? Are you finding it difficult to manage competing new requirements and additional requests?

Being productive and maintaining a collaborative team envrioment can be challenging when your organisation and external partners are working remotely. This online workshop will give you tools and techniques to make you more effective in your work and to redirect efforts where needed during this challenging time in order to maximise effectiveness. These techniques can be used immediately in your working enviroment.

The workshop will help you to:

revisit your goals and priorities during this time; manage your time while working remotely; and build and sustain good relationships when working virtually with any team


Next Event: TBA. Find out about all upcoming ACCELERATE events and news. 

Tailored Pitch Coaching (by invitation only)

ACCELERATE provides pitch coaching to shortlisted applicants of the Pilot Data Funding Scheme for Translational Research. As part of the scheme, shortlisted applicants pitch their translational research to a Dragons' Den style panel comprising UCL and external experts and the coaching is provided to help them prepare for this event. 

The funding scheme is coordinated through UCL's Therapeutic Innovation Networks (from the Translational Research Office).  The scheme is aimed at accelerating the transition from discovery research to translational research and targets early career researchers. 

If you are interested in the Pilot Data Funding Scheme, please contact: either Dr Asha Recino via a.recino@ucl.ac.uk or Dr Helen Cooksley via h.cooksley@ucl.ac.uk

    Building A More Effective Leadership Style

    The workshop will help participants to:

    • Explore how being self-aware and transparent can build trust; and
    • Consider behaviours and habits that will ultimately improve your team’s productivity.

    By the end of the workshop, participants will be better able to:

    • Develop open and honest relationships with your team.
    • Recognise your own values and strengths 
    • limitations that will inform your leadership style Identify the behaviours that you need to build your unique leadership style

    Next Event: TBC

    Developing Emotional Intelligence As A Leader

    The workshop will help participants to:

    • Consider the behaviours and habits that will ultimately improve their team’s productivity.
    • Increase their self-awareness of their emotions and how they are perceived by others
    • Explore how being self-aware and transparent can build trust in a team

    By the end of the workshop, participants will be better able to:

    • Recognise the emotional and social skills they have that will inform their leadership style
    • Identify the behaviours that they need to build an authentic leadership style; and
    • Develop open and honest relationships with their team.

    Next Event: TBC

    Lead With An Intrapreneurial Mindset

    The workshop will help participants to:

    Research leaders work in an ever-changing research environment. The most effective research leaders use enterprising behaviours, attributes and competencies with those that they work with to create impact in uncertain times. In this workshop you will explore the academic mindset and skills that will help you to be more effective as a research leader.

    By the end of the workshop, you'll be better able to:

    • Take initiative and make things happen especially when dealing with uncertainty
    • Use processes that an entrepreneur might use to make you more effective as a research leader; and
    • Develop productive and more inclusive conversations with your stakeholders.

    Next Event: TBC

    Building Collaborative Research Relationships Across Teams

    The workshop will help participants to:

    Learn how to put together a research collaboration by considering what you need in place to maximise the value of the partnership, whether it is an internal or external collaboration.

    By the end of the workshop, you'll be better able to:

    • Appreciate the benefits and challenges of collaborative research;
    • Understand why a potential collaborator might want to work with you; and
    • Manage a successful research collaboration with partnership agreements in place.

    Next event: TBC

    Grant Writing for Translational Research

    In contrast to academic/fellowship grant applications, applying for translational research and innovation grants is all about pitching the end vision and convincing funders that you know what it takes to get there: What is the unmet clinical need? How will you meet this need? What are the project milestones and how much will it cost? For many, the first step to pitching this vision is a written application.

    What to expect: In this interactive online workshop, you will learn how to increase your chances of funding success for impact acceleration, knowledge exchange and translational research projects as well as where to find support at UCL.

    Participants will be able to: 

    • Recognise the important elements of a translational research/innovation grant application 
    • Recognise how to identify the risks of the projects and outline how they will be managed
    • Explain how to strategically apply for funding based on the maturity of one's project and how to link this with one's project milestones. 
    • Describe how to protect intellectual property when submitting a funding application. 
    • Recognise how to simplify one's message and edit one's ideas for a specific funding call.
    • Recognise how to improve the likelihood of success by ensuring one's application is understood and makes a good impression.
    • Identify where to find support at UCL.  

    Who should attend?

    This workshop is aimed at researchers at UCL who would like to get to know more about how to put together a winning grant application for a translational research project. 

    Wednesday 15/01/2025, 10:30-11:30am. Book here

    Wednesday 02/04/2025, 10:30-11:30am. Book here

    Wednesday 09/07/2025, 10:30-11:30am. Book here

    Wednesday 05/11/2025, 10:30- 11:30am. Book here



      To complement the ACCELERATE programme, we have pulled together a list of resources offered by experts at UCL and beyond that focuses on skills development. Check out the links below. 

      At UCL
      • ADAPT - Portfolio of resilience building schemes from UCL's Academic Careers office
      • Research Staff Training Programme - provided by Organisational Development 
      • Lab Leader Series- provided by UCL HR and featuring a collection of video interviews with UCL's leading researchers providing an invaluable insight into what really matters when building successful research teams and projects.
      Beyond UCL 

      *Disclaimer - These resources have not been produced by UCL and although they have been shared as containing information that may be useful to the Translational Research community, they do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of UCL, ACCELERATE or the Academic Careers Office