
UCL Institute of Health Informatics


Information Systems in Healthcare

Healthcare is a multidisciplinary service, and systems that underpin it must meet the needs of a wide variety of different users, each of whom has a particular set of concerns and priorities. Their requirements are inevitably a mixture of demands that are unique to healthcare and demands that are common with other non-health sectors.
In Information Systems in Healthcare we look at how health informaticians and others in similar roles can learn from the broader literature of computer science and information technology, and from the experiences of other non-health sectors, to improve the ways in which we tackle the specification, procurement, deployment and operation of the systems that we need.

Module code


UCL credits


Module organiser

Dr Matthew Darlison Please direct queries to courses-IHI@ucl.ac.uk


The module covers five substantive themes:

  • Stakeholders – understanding the socio-technical environment within which a system must function
  • Lifecycles of information, software systems and software projects
  • Requirements that shape systems
  • Modelling as a means of communicating about and documenting systems
  • Professionalism in Information Technology

Teaching and learning methods

Blended learning: web-based distance learning in the UCL Virtual Learning Environment plus a 3-day face-to-face teaching session.


Write a structured report describing a real information system in a healthcare environment, preferably one of which you have first-hand experience. You do not need to have a detailed technical understanding of the system.