
UCL Institute of Health Informatics


Information for VIVALDI Care Homes

Please find below leaflets and information sheets for care homes participating in the VIVALDI Study

The VIVALDI study uses data from you and your care home to answer important questions about COVID-19. Some of the questions we will answer are:

  • How many people are getting infected with COVID-19?
  • How many infected people have been vaccinated? Are new types (variants) of COVID-19 spreading in care homes?
  • How long does protection against infection last following vaccination?
  • Why do some care homes get outbreaks and others do not?

Information for Care Home Staff

If you are working in a care home that is taking part in the VIVALDI Study and you would like to know more about our research and how we use your data, please read the information leaflet below.

Click here to view the Information for Care Home Staff Leaflet

Information for Care Home Residents/ Relatives of Residents

If you are living in a care home/ or have a loved one who is a resident in a care home that is taking part in the VIVALDI Study and you would like to know more about our research, please read the information leaflet below.

Click here to view the Information for Care Home Residents Leaflet

Data Sharing Information Sheet

    f you would like to know more about what data we are collecting about you and your care home; how we remove your personal information from our datasets and who has access to the dataset, please read the information sheet below.

    Click here to view the Data Sharing Information Sheet

    Antibody Test Results Information Sheet

    If you have provided a blood sample for the VIVALDI Study and have received a message with your result, please read the information sheet below to understand what your results mean.

    Click here to view the Antibody Test Result Information Sheet


    Click here to read our full list of FAQs