The Problem
Important barriers to the scalable re-use of data for international comparisons. These include (a) historical lack of research into understanding the validity and quality of such data, (b) information governance restrictions on electronic health records (HER) use (c) lack of forum for international collaboration, (d) data coverage and availability may be limited by resources in different countries, (e) lack of metadata format or central repository for describing data elements for different EHR datasets, few available international data standards are to be updated, (f) lack of established methods for the systematic and reproducible definition and sharing of algorithms between researchers.
Our Research
(i) Clinical research exemplars: To address research questions in the prevention and progression of cardiovascular diseases across two or more countries, which can only be tackled using electronic health record data. (ii) Informatics methods: To facilitate the discovery and documentation of contemporary EHR data sources relevant to cardiovascular disease research in countries with diverse healthcare systems by working in close collaboration with experts across the Farr Institute.
Sheng-Chia Chung
Spiros Denaxas
Laura Pasea
Harry Hemingway
Adam Timmis
Mar Pujades Rodriguez
Anoop Dinesh Shah
Tomas Jernberg
Lars Wallentin
Chung SC, Sundström J, Gale CP, James S, Deanfield J, Wallentin L, Timmis A, Jernberg T, Hemingway H; Comparison of hospital variation in acute myocardial infarction care and outcome between Sweden and United Kingdom: population based cohort study using nationwide clinical registries. BMJ. 2015 Aug 7;351:h3913.