
UCL Institute of Health Informatics


Personal Health Informatics

The users of healthcare are increasingly expected to take responsibility for their health and wellbeing, supported through a growing range of online sources of information and connected devices providing data on citizens’ physiological states.

This module will allow trainees to reflect on current thinking on citizen-driven informatics and the involvement of citizens as co-producers of health. It will provide an opportunity to reflect on long-term trends in healthcare and their possible impact on how organisations work with their communities to design services adapted to a changing world.

This module will make best use of large scale demonstrator projects such as CityVerve, the first city to demonstrate the Internet of Things at scale.

Module code


UCL credits


Course Length

9 Weeks


Wk 4: 28 – 30 October 2020

Assessment Dates

7th December 2020

Module organiser

Dr Henry Potts (UCL), Dr Sabine Van de Veer (UoM). Please direct queries to courses-IHI@ucl.ac.uk


  • Foster an appreciation of the cross-disciplinary scope of data-intensive Citizen Health and what it means to be a digitally engaged citizen and patient
  • Provide opportunities to critically examine initiatives aimed at improving the connectedness of health, self and care
  • Explore socio-technical factors influencing citizens engagement with their health and social care critically examine the effect of data-driven, co-produced healthcare on citizens/patients

Teaching and learning methods

The module is delivered over nine weeks using Moodle as the Virtual Learning Environment. Students attend at UCL for an intensive block of three days of face to face teaching, usually in week four or five. Students on campus may attend two additional seminars, these are also live-streamed and recorded for other students. Formative and summative assignments are submitted via Moodle.


Summative assessment: Written report worth 100% of the overall module mark.