HEE/NIHR Integrated Clinical Academic (ICA) Secondment
23 February 2018
An exciting opportunity to learn about the developing world of Public Health Data Science and develop your own research skills and interests, while continuing to work in local authority public health or other NHS roles. The Centre for Public Health Data Science at the Institute of Health Informatics are pleased to offer a Health Education England (HEE) / National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) Integrated Clinical Academic (ICA) secondment from April 2018, part time for up to 12 months.
Applicants must be a member of one of the eligible non-medical professions (as detailed here: www.nihr.ac.uk/funding-and-support/documents/ICA/TCC-ICA-Eligible-Professions-and-Registration-Bodies.pdf) and currently be working in either local government or the NHS.
While the secondment post would be ideally suited to someone working within public health, applications from other professionals who meet the eligibility criteria are welcome.
If you wish to apply for this secondment please supply a curriculum vitae together with an accompanying statement of no more than 1 page addressing why you are attracted to this opportunity to Nadia Jackson (nadia.jackson@ucl.ac.uk) by 12:00pm on 8 March 2018.
Please see here for further details on the secondment post.