IHI announces the appointment of Deputy Directors
3 November 2016
the Institute of Health Informatics announces the appointment of Deputy Director: Discovery and Precision Medicine and Deputy Director: Learning Health Systems and Public Health
Professors Juan Pablo Casas and Andrew Hayward have been appointed as Deputy Directors in the Institute of Health Informatics, UCL.
Professor Casas will take on the role of Deputy Director, Discovery and Precision Medicine: with a particular focus on NHS genomics and industry partnerships across biotech and pharma. Professor Hayward will take on the role of Deputy Director, Learning Health Systems and Public Health, with a particular focus on health service partnerships at a national and local level.
The Director of IHI and Farr London, Professor Harry Hemingway, said:
'With the emphasis on data science and informatics in the NIHR Biomedical Research Centres, and with the MRC new national institute, we have exciting new opportunities ahead. Juan Pablo and Andrew bring leadership in highly complementary areas, strengthening our ability to capitalise on these opportunities.’