This module will consolidate learning and enable the student to plan or perform a piece of work that will result in a digital transformation. Students will work on a case study based on a healthcare challenge requiring digital transformation. Case-studies will be devised in conjunction with NHS partners and will guide the student through understanding the current status of the area, understanding what is possible and devising and communicating a strategy for digital transformation.
This module will cover qualitative and quantitative research methods. Students will write this up as a short report and present their findings.
Module code
UCL credits
Course Length
9 Weeks
Wk 6: 09 – 11 June 2021
Assessment Dates
05 July 2021
Module organiser
Pippa Bark-Williams (UCL), Professor George Moulton (UoM), Professor Paul Taylor (UCL). Please direct queries to
The module aims to give students a realistic experience of working with a stakeholder and taking on a project and completing it in a team. Students will learn about the requirements of a project, about sharing task between members of a team and how to hand over the results of their work to a client. They will also learn specific research skills, which will vary according to the choice of project.
Teaching and learning methods
The module is delivered over nine weeks using Moodle as the Virtual Learning Environment. Students attend at UCL or UoM for an intensive block of three days of face to face teaching, usually in week four or five. Students on campus may attend two additional seminars, these are also live-streamed and recorded for other students. Students will be supervised by an academic member of staff throughout the project.
Summative assessment: Written report worth 100% of the overall module mark.
Formative assessment and feedback to students is a key feature of the on-line learning materials for this unit.