
UCL Hazard Centre


PhD Research

Current PhD research at the UCL Hazard Centre.

As well as teaching several postgraduate programmes, we also engage in training students at doctoral level. Find out here about our current PhD students and the fantastic research they are conducting....

Manam volcano

Adam Cotterill

PhD project title: A comprehensive assessment of volcanic hazard and mitigation strategies at remote volcanoes: Manam and Ulawun, Papua New Guinea.

Historical Eruptions

Christopher Garrison

PhD project title: The Great Dry Fog of 1831: Re-appraising historical volcanic eruptions and their effects.

MSc Geophysical Hazards

Jonathan Mille

PhD project title: Vulnerability to hydro-meteoroloigcal hazards: Interactive mapping solutions and enhanced data analysis and visualisation.

Large calderas - Rabaul

Robert Robertson

PhD project title: Can caldera uplift be used to forecast eruptions at Rabaul caldera, Papua New Guinea?

PhD Projects:

Members of the Hazard Centre oversee PhD projects and supervise students through the UCL Department of Earth Sciences. For details on current PhD projects available and how to apply, please visit UCL Earth Sciences.

UCL Hazard Centre:

Hazard and Risk: Our operational programmes aimed at enhancing disaster risk reduction, response and relief.

History: A brief history of the centre.

Publications: Examples of our research articles, posters, books, field guides, and more...

We are partnered with the UCL Department of Earth Sciences.


Contact us:
Director: Dr Christopher Kilburn
Email: c.kilburn@ucl.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0) 20 3108 6325 (56325)