Department of Structural and Molecular Biology
Division of Biosciences
University College London
Darwin Building - Gower Street
WC1E 6BT London, UK
D. Flemming Hansen
Professor and Chair of NMR spectroscopy
Email: d.hansen[at]
My research interests:
Macromolecular motions and dynamics have fascinated me since the onset of my scientific career. Specifically, I am interested in understanding how the movements of a protein on a rugged free-energy landscape relates to biological function and how the brief excursions that enzymes make from their ground state to minor populated excited states influence molecular function. I also have a strong interest in the development of new NMR methodology to characterise macromolecular motions, interactions, and dynamics.
Brief CV:
1997-2000: BSc, Chemistry and Physics; University of Copenhagen.
2000-2003: MSc (Cand Scient), Chemistry; University of Copenhagen.
2003-2005: PhD with Prof Jens Led, Biophysical Chemistry; University of Copenhagen.
2004: Research project with Prof John Markley, University of Madison-Wisconsin.
2004: Research project with Prof Edward Solomon, Stanford University.
2005-2010: Postdoctoral fellow with Prof Lewis E Kay, University of Toronto.
2010-2014: PI, Lecturer (~Assistant Prof.) and David Phillips Fellow, University College London.
2014-2017: PI, Senior lecturer (~Associate Prof.), University College London.
2015- : Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry.
2017- : Full Professor and Chair of NMR Spectroscopy, University College London.
List of publications contains ca. 70 peer-reviewed articles published in international journals (average impact factor of 6.5, h-index 28). Please follow the link below to view list of publications from Pubmed or from Google Scholar.