
Sustainable UCL


Institute of Archaeology's Roof Garden

The Institute of Archaeology has a thriving sustainability team and they’re actively involved in improving UCL’s environmental impact.

Photo of a chilli plant

1 September 2019

Last year, a group of staff and students with a shared interest in starting a growing project got together to discuss their options. Their building has a large, south-facing roof terrace area, with plenty of space for plants.

So with support from their building manager, they got started; growing chillies, mint, chives, oregano, basil, mint and heritage ‘Russian Black’ tomatoes in pots and grow-bags on the roof. The tomato crop was so successful they were even able to make chutney from it.

This year, they’re expanding the project and getting more staff and students involved. They’ve got big plans (and even an archaeological botanist on board), so watch this space.

Find out more about the work of the Institute of Archaeology's Sustainable Team.