Grand Challenge of Mental Health & Wellbeing Pump-priming Funding Call 2024-25 Awards Announced
6 August 2024
Awards from the Grand Challenge of Mental Health & Wellbeing 2024-25 pump-priming funding call have been announced
The pump-priming call supports research that crosses disciplinary boundaries and accelerates intervention discovery and development in mental health and wellbeing. In total, over 50 applications were received from 10 faculties at UCL as well as Professional Services.
The review panel approved funding for 17 applications, with total funding of over £375,000 awarded. Successful applicants, drawn from across 9 faculties as well as external partners, received funding of up to £25,000 to support research that crosses disciplinary boundaries and accelerates intervention discovery and development.
Dr Liza Griffin and Professor Jonathan Roiser, co-chairs of the funding call’s review panel, commented:
““A huge number of excellent proposals were submitted to UCL’s Grand Challenge of Mental Health & Wellbeing Pump-Priming Funding Call 2024-25. We were delighted to be able to support seventeen cross-disciplinary applications from almost all UCL faculties. These represent a range of conceptual and applied projects using novel methods - from animal models to social interventions - including many that incorporate co-production approaches building upon partnerships with communities and organisations outside academia. We very much look forward to seeing the outcomes of these exciting projects, exploring more effective ways to promote wellbeing, the social changes and spaces that support good mental health, and new models of mental illness.”
Summary details of the projects awarded are below:
Making Visible Invisible Communities’: Community centres as spaces that hinder and/or promote mental health support needs of young people invisible to school and healthcare settings (Visible Co-Space Study)
Dr Keri Ka-Yee Wong, IOE
Dr Lusi Morhayim, Bartlett
Accelerating intervention discovery of community-based solutions to improve maternal mental health and well-being in Zimbabwe
Dr Emma Wilson, Population Health Sciences
Dr Kirrily Pells, IOE
Change Stories UK: an exploratory study investigating the mental health and wellbeing impacts of housing developed through Community Land Trusts (CLTs) in London
Dr Gemma Moore, Bartlett
Professor David Osrin, Population Health Sciences
Development of a Psychological First Aid (PFA) Group Intervention for Students affected by War, Conflict or Disaster
Dr Charlie Cole, Student and Registry Services
Dr Talya Greene, Brain Sciences
Embodying the Social: the challenge of urban violence and inequalities in the era of the exposome
Professor Sahra Gibbon, Social and Historical Sciences
Professor James Kirkbride, Brain Sciences
Exploring how caregiving promotes mental health for care-experienced young people: Developing logic models through an intersectional approach
Dr Eva Sprecher, Brain Sciences
Dr Veena Meetoo, IOE
Graphic Scores: Using sound and art to bring together young people living with Parkinson’s and improve mental health
Dr Jennifer Foley, Brain Sciences
Mrs Alison Carlier, Artist
Green space adaptation, and mental health and wellbeing outcomes (GREEN.WELL)
Professor Catalina Turcu, Bartlett
Professor Hugo Spiers, Brain Sciences
Improving support for older survivors of domestic abuse: A national network to increase research capacity, challenge stigma, and develop pathways to care: the IRIS project
Dr Vasiliki Orgeta, Brain Sciences
Dr Jean Stafford, Population Health Sciences
MANDDOLIN4: Music And Neuroscience against Dementia: from Designs to Outcomes through Listening Interventions Inclusively Informed for Individuals
Dr Jess Jiang, Brain Sciences
Dr Naaheed Mukadam, Brain Sciences
Mi Salud Mental: Using Curriculum-Infusion to Promote Positive Mental Health and Wellbeing for University Students in Spanish and Latin American Studies
Professor Leslie Gutman, Brain Sciences
Dr Mazal Oaknín, Arts & Humanities
Restricting cognitive access to suicide: development and proof-of-concept testing of a cognitive restriction intervention to dissuade suicide attempts by hanging in middle-aged men
Dr Alexandra Pitman, Brain Sciences
Ms Millie Lowther, Brain Sciences
The feasibility of improving sleep and well-being in visually impaired individuals using a computationally informed temperature intervention
Dr Michael Crossland, Brain Sciences
Mr Danny Ball, Brain Sciences
Welcome Home: Improving the Built Environment of People living with mental illness in the Community
Dr Evangelia Chrysikou, Bartlett
Dr Artemis Igoumenou, Brain Sciences
Developing in vitro and animal models to advance a novel therapy for major depression
Dr Yichao Yu, Medical Sciences
Professor Cathy Fernandes, Medical Sciences
Exploring neurophysiological measures of affect and engagement during wellbeing activities in patients experiencing disorders of consciousness
Professor Sophie Scott, Brain Sciences
Ms Amy Pundole, Brain Sciences
Professor Clare Elwell, Engineering Sciences
Towards informative translation from basic neuroscience to mental health: Reinforcement learning as a bridge between rodent and human flexible behaviour
Dr Gabrielle Gregoriou, Medical Sciences
Dr Andrew MacAskill, Medical Sciences
Professor Quentin Huys, Brain Sciences