
UCL Grand Challenges


Nanofiber Melts for Swallow-specific Quality of Life in Older Age

Transformative Technology funding awarded in 2018/19

Different pills, colours and sizes

1 October 2018


Grant: Grand Challenges Small Grants
Year awarded: 2018-19
Amount awarded: £3,940


  • Mine Orlu, UCL School of Pharmacy 
  • Ben Hanson, UCL Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Sciences

The focus of this project is innovative engineering for health and the treatment of age related health conditions. Presbyphagia is a condition of primary aging and affects 40% of otherwise healthy people over 60 years of age. Hence, swallowing often comprises a major obstacle for oral medicines administration to older people. The availability of a robust in vitro oral cavity model representing different levels of swallowing functionality will enable the effective screening of patient-friendly orally administered medicine. The further investigation of promising medicine forms in human panel studies has potential impact for the generation of evidence based data on easy- to swallow formulations, and hence optimised therapeutic outcome and patient adherence.

The objectives for this study are:

  • To assess the end-user perception of nanofibers as a medicine platform in terms of ease of swallowing and sensory acceptability
  • To investigate the correlation between the human panel study and a predictive oral cavity model.

Outputs and Impacts

  • The outputs and impact of this study can be found in this journal article that was published by the International Journal of Pharmacetics.