
Governance and compliance


Innovation and Enterprise Committee: terms of reference

Information regarding the UCL Innovation and Enterprise Committee's formal powers and responsibilities.

Subject to any general or particular direction that may from time to time be given by the Academic Committee, the Innovation and Enterprise Committee is charged by Council:

1. [On behalf of Academic Committee] to define, monitor and review UCL strategy, policies, procedures and statutory returns, including HEBCIS and KEF relating to innovation and enterprise (described as Knowledge Exchange by UKRI and other government policy bodies) and to recommend for approval by Academic Committee and Council, subject to appropriate consultation, any necessary policies and procedures.

2. On behalf of Council and Academic Committee to approve the narrative components of the Knowledge Exchange Framework and the Knowledge Exchange Concordat.

3. On behalf of Council and Academic Committee to approve the arrangements for management of intellectual assets in the University as required by Research England and other significant funders.

4. To approve the HEIF strategy and business case and any equivalent successors.

5.  To monitor developments in the area of government policy in relation to knowledge exchange, industrial strategy and economic expectations of UK higher education and to advise, subject to appropriate consultation, on any necessary policy, procedure or practice revisions that UCL may require to make.

6. To receive an annual report from

6.1 The Entrepreneurship programme,

6.2  The Funding Committee, describing the impact and outcomes of each programme,

6.3 The Director of Innovation Partnerships on progress with strategic partnerships.

7.  To receive annual reports from the Chief Executive of UCLB and the Managing Director of UCLC.

8. To receive an annual report from the Director for Entrepreneurship on Start-up visa application and oversight.

9. To review, on an annual basis, the implementation of the university Disclosure of Conflicts policy and make recommendations to Academic Committee in relation to any possible amendments to the practice and principles of the policy.

10. To receive a report on the effectiveness of the university Disclosure of Conflicts policy and make recommendations to Academic Committee with respect to compliance with the policy.

11. To report to the Academic Committee by (i) the submission of an annual report on the work of the Innovation and Enterprise Committee in the preceding 12 months, and (ii) the submission to the Academic Committee officers of the Minutes of each meeting of the Innovation and Enterprise Committee.

12. To consider any matters referred to or delegated to it by Academic Committee and to express opinions on such references or such other matters as seem relevant to it.