Information regarding the UCL Education Committee's formal powers and responsibilities.
Subject to any general or particular direction that may from time to time be given by the Academic Committee, the Education Committee is charged by Council:
1. To consider and advise the Council, reflecting the delegation from the Academic Board under Statute 7(10), on all academic matters and questions affecting the educational policy of UCL, the organisation of teaching, examining, and courses of instruction.
2. On behalf of Academic Board and Academic Committee, to define, monitor and review UCL strategy, policy and procedure in respect of UCL's taught students (including undergraduate and postgraduate-taught students) relating to:
i. student registration;
ii. student attendance at, and completion of, programmes and examinations;
iii. UCL’s Academic Regulations governing taught programmes;
iv. the annual and periodic review of the academic standards and the quality of the student experience on taught programmes;
v. the operation of UCL's student complaints procedures for taught students and monitoring thereof by consideration of an annual report thereon;
vi. all aspects of the taught student experience.
3. On behalf of Council and Academic Committee, to monitor and review the implementation of UCL’s Education Strategy.
4. On behalf of Academic Committee, to approve recommendations for new programmes of study and new academic partnerships, and the amendment or termination of existing activity in these areas.
5. To monitor the work of the subcommittees operating under the delegated authority of the Education Committee, to review recommendations that they make, and to receive and consider annual reports of their business.
6. To oversee, on behalf of Council, the operation of UCL’s degree apprenticeship provision.
7. To receive an annual report on the proceedings of Faculty Education Committees/equivalent bodies within Faculties, during the preceding 12 months.
8. To submit for approval by the Academic Committee recommendations for the award and revocation of taught degrees of UCL and of the University of London.
9. To ensure UCL’s compliance with the following conditions of the Office for Students (OfS) Regulatory Framework:
- B1 (course delivery)
- B2 (resources and support/effective engagement with students)
- B3 (student outcomes)
- B4 (relating to assessment and the maintenance of the standards of awards)
- B5 (ensuring awards meet sector recognised standards)
- B6 (relating to UCL’s participation in the Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework).
- C1 (policy compliance with consumer protection law)
- C3 (student protection plan)
The Education Committee has final oversight, before Council, of the following OfS conditions:
- C2 (ensure cooperation with OIA student complaints scheme)
- E5 (electoral registration)
- F2 (student transfer arrangements)
The Committee also has oversight of reportable events (Matters related to student and consumer protection), to be raised with the Student and Registry Services Compliance team as appropriate.
10. To refer to the Academic Committee such matters as the Education Committee deems to have academic standards, quality assurance, or student experience implications which require the attention of Academic Committee, including those matters arising from national surveys such as the National Student Survey, and internal sources of data such as programme evaluations and student voice reports.
11. To report to the Academic Committee by (i) the submission of an annual report on the work of the Education Committee in the preceding 12 months, and (ii) the submission to the Academic Committee officers of the Minutes of each meeting of the Education Committee.
12. To report to the Academic Board on the use of its delegated powers both through the minutes of its meetings and by presentation to the Board of an annual report by its Chair and of periodic reports on specific issues when requested.
13. To consider any matters referred to or delegated to it by Academic Committee and to express opinions on such references or such other matters as seem relevant to it.