
UCL Global


Extending global knowledge

The Cities partnerships Programme and Global Engagement Funds were established to extend UCL's local and global knowledge

UCL colleagues and global partners at seminar

In 2018, the Cities partnerships Programme (CpP) was launched to support, fund and promote the work that UCL academics carry out with partners in global cities, with the aim of developing sustainable, multidisciplinary research and teaching partnerships.

UCL academic directors are in post for the first three cities in the programme: Rome, Paris and Stockholm. Through CpP, UCL has had more than 80 academic-led events in Rome, Paris and London. The programme has also funded 66 projects across all faculties, with 55 partners in and around Rome and Paris. 

Infographic showing impact of UCL's Global Engagement Funding
GEO also launched the Global Engagement Funds (GEF), its flagship funding scheme to facilitate UCL academics to collaborate with overseas partners. Between 2015 and 2019/20, UCL supported over 500 GEF collaborative projects, helping 650 UCL academics to work with 563 different organisation in 91 countries. UCL’s 11 Vice-Deans International and seven Regional Pro-Vice-Provosts chair decision panels to direct the awards, which cover international travel, meeting and event costs, helping to enable partnerships with academics around the world.

Read more about the Global Engagement Funds, including case studies, here.