
UCL Global


Africa & Middle East Regional Network Meeting

29 March 2022, 11:30 am–1:00 pm

African savannah

This meeting is open to UCL staff and partners across Africa and the Middle East, and will be chaired by UCL Pro-Vice-Provost (International) Professor Deenan Pillay

Event Information

Open to

UCL staff




Anna Brown, Global Partnership Officer

This meeting brings together UCL staff with an interest in or links to Africa and the Middle East. It will be held on MS Teams and is also open to UCL's partners across the region. 

UCL Pro-Vice-Provost (International) Professor Deenan Pillay will chair discussions on two cross-regional topics:

1. PhD (and other) students and visiting scholars from Africa: how can we gain higher representation of African & Middle Eastern scholars in our courses and research? Whilst UCL programmes are generally open for African students, local infrastructure, high fees and London accommodation costs often make it impossible to take up opportunities. An open discussion with a few case studies.

2. Virtual partnerships working - two perspectives: on one hand, the turn to virtual working and events has enabled us to include more African & Middle Eastern colleagues in our work, especially given the high travel costs and cuts in ODA funding. On the other hand, the question arises as to whether this may become a rationale for limiting inward research visits by colleagues to UCL, particularly by those from LMIC countries who will need financial support as well as visa invitations.

To join the UCL Africa and Middle East Regional Network and receive regular updates about UCL's activity and opportunities in the region, sign up here