
Institute for Global Health



A person-centred Needs Informed model of Care for people living with HIV (NICHE), to improve wellbeing, mental health and reduce socio-economic disadvantages and stigma.

Project summary

NICHE aims to develop a new model of care for People Living With HIV, in which regular assessment of psychosocial need is incorporated into routine HIV care, to identify those eligible for a potentially low-cost intervention based on one-to-one health coaching with social prescribing. We adopt a broad definition of psychosocial needs, including mental and physical health and wellbeing; social support and integration; socioeconomic status (housing, financial and occupational) and stigma. Such an intervention could demonstrate improvement in health and wellbeing, reduce risk factors for chronic disease, and potentially be cost effective or cost neutral, particularly by reducing reliance on the NHS and specialist clinical HIV services. Due to the low utilization of primary care by people with HIV, and specifically by more marginalized groups, we have developed this as a secondary-care based intervention.

Key Project Information

Dates: 01/05/2021-01/05/2026

UCL lead/Principal Investigator: Prof Alison Rodger & Dr Fiona Lampe

Partners: UKHSA, LSHTM, KCL, Barts & the London NHS Trust, Chelsea and Westminster NHS Trust, George House Trust, NHSE

Funding: NIHR

Contact: j.sewell@ucl.ac.uk


Research Team

Alison Rodger (PI), Fiona Lampe (co-PI), Andrew Phillips, Colette Smith, Fiona Burns, Lorraine Sherr, Valentina Cambiano, Ada Miltz, Annegret Pelchen-Matthews, Charlie Witzel, Fumiyo Nakagawa - UCL

Richard Harding  - Kings College London

Carl May, Lucy Cullin, Andy Briggs, Alec Miners (Source Health Economics) - LSHTM

Meaghan Kall, Valerie Delpech, Adamma Aghaizu, Veronique Martin, Carole Kelly, Clare Humphrey, Alison Brown - UKHSA

Ryan Ottridge, Rebecca Woolley - University of Birmingham CTU

Vanessa Apea - Barts Health NHS Trust

Michael Brady - NHSE/King

Alex Sparrowhawk (PPI Lead) -GHT

David Asboe - Chelsea and Westminster NHS Foundation Trust

Andy Ustianowski - North Manchester General Hospital

NHSE: James Sanderson (Director of Personalised Care)

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