
Institute for Global Health


Investigation Of Drug Synergy & Rational Design Of Drug Combinations To Overcome Multidrug-Resistant

Investigation Of Drug Synergy And Rational Design Of Drug Combinations To Overcome Multidrug-Resistant

Project Summary

Antibiotic combination therapy plays an important role in combatting antibiotic resistance as it increases antibacterial spectrum and efficacy while decreasing the probability of emergence of resistance. Investigations of combinatory mechanism of action are therefore important to prioritise pathways for drug combination discovery programmes. However, only a limited number of studies aim to understand the mechanism of action and the biological basis for effective drug combinations. This project therefore integrates conventional in-vitro assays with transcriptomics and metabolomics in order to elucidate mechanisms underlying drug responses.

Key Project Information

Dates: 1 December 2020 - 21 March 2022

UCL IGH Lead: Frank Kloprogge

Principal Investigator: Dr Dimitrios Evangelopoulos, UCL Eastman Dental Institute

Location: UK

Funding: National Institute for Health Research

Contact: d.evangelopoulos@ucl.ac.uk