
Institute for Global Health


Completed projects

Explore some of our completed research projects at IGH.

ACE Active TB Study
ACE Latent TB Study
Afya Credit Incentive for Improved Maternal and Child Health
Analysis of the Impact of Anaemia Reduction and Control Strategies in Emergency-Affected Refugee Populations
Ask us too!: Hearing the voices of children and young people (CYP) with disabilities living in poverty in South Asia
Assessing malnutrition in pneumonia using bioelectrical impedance vector analysis (BIVA)
Assessing the impact of introducing online postal self-sampling for sexually transmitted infections into sexual health provision within the UK on health inequalities, access to care and clinical outcomes (ASSIST)
Attitudes to, and Understanding of Risk of Acquisition of HIV over time (AURAH2)
Baby Biome Study
BAME young people's experiences of COVID-19
Bangles and Bindhis: engaging communities about child marriage in southern Nepal
Beating Diabetes in urban Nepal
Bringing an end to the silence - An investigation into the mental health consequences of child marriage and potential solutions
Carers voices: experiences from a universal child development screening programme in Thailand
Childhood injuries in rural Bangladesh
Children eloping to marry in rural Nepal: exploring the causes and consequences
Community-based intervention to improve the well-being of left behind children in China
Community intervention to improve growth among children under two in rural India (CARING)
Community interventions to prevent violence against women and girls in informal settlements in Mumbai: the SNEHA-TARA pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial
Community Mobilization in Mumbai Slums to Improve Perinatal Care and Outcomes: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial
Community mobilisation and health management committee strengthening to increase birth attendance by trained health workers in rural Makwanpur
Community resource centres to improve the health of women and children in Mumbai slums: a cluster randomised trial of a complex intervention
The Co-morbidities in relation to HIV/AIDS (COBRA) study
Comprehensive Anaemia Program and Personalized Therapies (CAPPT)
Connecting communities with SDGs
The COURRAGE to change: tackling women’s depression and poverty through storytelling for social change (COURRAGE)
COVID-19: Evidence to Inform Policy & Mitigate the Impact in Nigeria
The Bangladesh D:CLARE Project [Diabetes: Community-Led Awareness, Response and Evaluation]
D Magic - Diabetes in Bangladesh
Data Collection on Adverse events of Anti-HIV Drugs (D:A:D)
Developing a prognostic algorithm for non-severe pneumonia treatment failure
Developing a Scalable Programme to Promote Early Childhood Nutrition and Development in Rural Uganda: A Feasibility Study
Development of NutVal 4
Development of Sustainable Models for Post-Graduate and Professional Training in Nutrition in Emergencies
Diagonal Interventions to Fast-Forward Enhanced Reproductive health (DIFFER)
District burden and costs of severe pneumonia before and after introduction of pneumococcal vaccine in Malawi
Dose rationale for antibiotic combination therapy in infectious diseases
Double Burden of Malnutrition in the Sahrawi Refugee Population
Early detection and integrated management of tuberculosis in Europe: E-DETECT TB
Engaging women in their health through textiles and public art
Epidemiology of Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever in Uganda (CCHF Study)
EuroCoord: Enhancing clinical & epidemiological HIV research in Europe through cohort collaboration
EVE Project: Evidence for Violence prevention in the Extreme
Evidence for Action to Reduce Maternal and Neonatal Mortality in Africa (E4A)
Exploratory study to guide the design of an emollients trial in Africa
Exploring the effects of high sex ratio in urban and rural China
Exploring the feasibility and acceptability of a parenting intervention to improve early childhood nutrition and stimulation in Iran's deprived provinces
Family Histories of Chronic Disease in Coastal Ghana
Forced migration and adolescent mental health: understanding the cultural determinants of mental health in a context of mass displacement
Gender and Health 50/50 Nepal
GS-US-292-1823: A Phase 3b, Randomised, Open-Label Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of Switching from Regimens Consisting of ABC/3TC plus a Third Antiretroviral Agent to the E/C/F/TAF Fixed-Dose Combination (FDC) in Virologically-Suppressed HIV-1 Infected Adult Subjects
GS-US-292-1826: A Phase 3b, Randomised, Open-Label Study to Evaluate Switching from a TDF Containing Regimen to E/C/F/TAF Fixed-Dose Combination (FDC) in Virologically-Suppressed, HIV-1 Infected Subjects Aged ≥ 60 Years
HALT: Hepatitis
HIV Allocative Efficiency and Financial Commitment Studies in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, using Optima
HIV Indicator Diseases across Europe Study (HIDES)
The HIV Modelling Consortium
Identifying Health Service Priorities: Developing and Applying a Tool for Navigating the Evidence
Improving access to quality healthcare for rural and urban poor in China
Improving maternal, newborn and child health in low-income countries
Improving Newborn Survival in Southern Tanzania (INSIST)
Improving Population Health through Research Exchanges
Informed decisions for actions to improve maternal and newborn health (IDEAS)
Innovative Qualitative Methods for Randomised Controlled Trials
Integrating pharmacological modelling with conventional microbiology
Intervention to reduce unnecessary antibiotic use in children in Zhejiang Province, China
Investigation Of Drug Synergy & Rational Design Of Drug Combinations To Overcome Multidrug-Resistant
JIAH – Jharkhand Initiative for Adolescent Health (Community Youth Teams facilitating participatory adolescent groups, youth leadership training and livelihood promotion to improve school enrolment, nutrition and mental health among adolescent girls in rural eastern India: a cluster randomised controlled trial)
Jeevan Shakti Mela - Festival for Lifeforce
Kaya: The Complexity Of Informal Caregiving For Alzheimer's Disease And Related Dementias In Rural South Africa
Lancet Commission on Health and Climate Change: Policy Responses to Protect Public Health
Lancet Commission on Managing the Health Effects of Climate Change
Lancet Commission on Migration and Health
Lancet Nigeria Commission
Low Birth Weight in South Asia Trial: A study into cost-effective interventions
MARCH-ZIM: Mapping risk and resilience to mental health consequences of child marriage in Zimbabwe
Mental Health Consequences of Community Violence among Adolescents in Brazil: Evidence and Methods to Inform Future Research and Intervention
MIRA Dhanusha trial: Community-based interventions for perinatal health and nutrition
Missed Opportunities in Maternal and Infant Health (MOMI)/ Reducing maternal and newborn mortality and morbidity in the year after childbirth through combined facility and community-based intervention
Natsal-COVID Study
NextGen Study
NIHR HPRU: Health Protection Research Unit in Blood Borne and Sexually Transmitted Infections
An open-source database for predicting pharmacokinetics
Optimising the Public Health Benefits of Sex Work Regulation in Senegal: A Formative Study
Pantheon 2
Participatory Action Research with Disabled Adolescents in Nepal (PARDAN) to develop methods and materials to understand their experience of COVID-19
Participatory Development of an Impact Evaluation Model and Toolkit for Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) (in Uganda and Malawi)
Partners of people on ART - a New Evaluation of the Risks (The PARTNER study)
Piloting PLA in the UK: Mobilising Communities to Prevent NCDs
Population science of maternal and child survival
Positive tRansItions through Menopause (PRIME)
Positive Voices: The national survey of people living with HIV
POWER Project: Protecting women from economic shocks to fight HIV in Africa
Preventing gender-based violence in the Amazon of Peru (GAP Project)
Promoting Physical Activity in Urban Bangladesh through Mobile Technology
Promoting Trauma Resilient communities in Tocancipa, Colombia
QCN Evaluation: How does a multi-country, multilateral network focused on specific health care improvements evolve and what shapes its ability to achieve its goals?
REFANI: Research on Cash and Voucher Transfers in Nutritional Emergencies
Research into Women's groups activities and their potential to affect child development and child protection outcomes
RESPOND: The International Cohort Consortium of Infectious Disease
Retention of nurses in rural Nepal: how can health sector decentralisation help?
Scaling up Integrated Community Case Management (iCCM): InScale
Sharing knowledge about Diabetes
SIREN (Sarscov2 Immunity & REinfection EvaluatioN)
Siyaphambili Youth
Socio-economic inequalities and the MDGs: Building evidence to support equitable improvement in maternal and newborn health in Asia & Africa (Equinam)
SPRING: Sustainable Programme Incorporating Nutrition & Games
STAR HIV Self-Testing Africa
Starting from the bottom: Using Participatory Action Research to re-imagine local mental health services in Colombia (STARS-C)
STREAM: Standards for Rapid Evaluation and Appraisal Methods
Storytelling for Health - Supporting the mental health of women experiencing gender-based violence in high prevalence settings
Structural vulnerabilities and maternal health among Mexican indigenous populations
Supporting Public Health Institutes (Bangladesh): Investing in People 
Supportive supervision of mid level health workers in rural Nepal for improved job satisfaction, motivation and quality of care
Sustainability and Petroleum Extraction: Corporate and Community Perspectives in Northern Norway and the Russian Arctic
TBTVACC: Developing a partnership to inform UK-Brazil TB control. Investigating the efficacy of BCG vaccination following latent tuberculosis treatment
Thanzi La Onse: building a model of health and health care in Malawi to inform health care resource allocation
The Design of Novel Ready-to-Use Foods for the Treatment and Prevention of Malnutrition
The determinants of non-initiation and early cessation of breast-feeding in Haringey
The Dharavi Biennale
The effects of antenatal micronutrient supplementation and current air pollution on growth and lung function in 8 year old children
The UK Collaborative HIV Cohort (UK CHIC) Study
UK-Korean partnership for a TB cohort
Understanding the consequences of congenital cytomegalovirus infection: a feasibility study
VACSURV - evaluating the impact of a national pneumococcal and rotavirus vaccine roll-out on child mortality in Mchinji

Violence and Mental Health in South Asia (VAMHSA)

Violence and Migration Modelling Network
WANTAIM: Women And Newborn Trial of Antenatal Interventions and Management