
Institute for Global Health


CASCADE Publications

As part of the CASCADE study's aim to promote better understanding of effective health planning for people with HIV, insights from the study are disseminated through academic publication.

 Please see the below publications from the CASCADE study, in order of date of publication.

Changes in bodyweight after initiating antiretroviral therapy close to HIV-1 seroconversion: an international cohort collaboration

We have also published a lay summary of this paper, which you can access here.


Understanding the reasons for and consequences of bodyweight change in people living with HIV initiating antiretroviral therapy (ART) is crucial to optimising long-term health and wellbeing. We aimed to examine bodyweight trends and associated factors among individuals with well estimated dates of HIV-1 seroconversion.


In this cohort study, we pooled retrospective data from clinical records of participants in CASCADE aged 16 years and older recruited from clinics in France, Greece, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, the UK, and Canada. All participants had well estimated dates of HIV-1 seroconversion, seroconverted between Jan 1, 2007, and Dec 31, 2022 (HIV-1 positive antibody test within 12 months of an HIV-1 negative antibody test, or other laboratory evidence of seroconversion), initiated ART within 1 year of seroconversion, and were previously ART-naive. Participants were followed up to the time of data pooling (May 31, 2023). We modelled bodyweight changes after ART initiation by ART class, BMI categories, and other demographic characteristics using linear mixed models.


Of 15 755 potentially eligible participants, 5698 met inclusion criteria. Of those, 5148 (90·3%) were assigned male at birth, 517 (9·1%) were assigned female at birth, and 33 (0·6%) had sex not known. 2778 (48·8%) participants initiated integrase strand transfer inhibitor (INSTI)-based ART regimens, 1809 (31·7%) initiated protease inhibitor-based regimens, and 1111 (19·5%) initiated non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI)-based regimens. The majority of participants were men who have sex with men (MSM; 4519 [79·3%]). Median age at seroconversion was 33·7 years (IQR 26·9–43·2). Bodyweight changes differed significantly by ART class within all baseline BMI categories (BMI <18·5 kg/m2 p=0·026, BMI 18·5–24·9 kg/m2 p<0·0001, BMI 25·0–29·9 kg/m2 p=0·0021, and BMI ≥30·0 kg/m2 p=0·0033; ART class and BMI interaction p=0·011). Participants with BMI less than 30 kg/m2 on regimens including both INSTI and tenofovir alafenamide gained 4·76 kg (95% CI 4·05–5·46) or more at 3 years. Of those with baseline BMI 18·5–24·9 kg/m2, 31·3% (95% CI 29·5–33·1) on INSTI-based regimens, 25·3% (23·0–27·7) on protease inhibitor-based regimens, 20·4% (18·8–22·9) on NNRTI-based regimens, 37·4% (33·9–40·9) on tenofovir alafenamide-based regimens, and 38·4% (34·6–42·1) on tenofovir alafenamide and INSTI-based regimens had gained more than 10% of their baseline bodyweight at 3 years. The greatest 3-year bodyweight gains by individuals on INSTI-based regimens and with BMI 18·5–24·9 kg/m2 were in women (5·63 kg [95% CI 4·92–6·35]), and people originating from sub-Saharan African (5·76 kg [5·06–6·46]), compared with MSM (3·82 kg [3·50–4·13]).


Our findings suggest a direct effect of INSTIs and tenofovir alafenamide on bodyweight gain, rather than a return to health effect. Given the known risk for cardiometabolic disease, bodyweight management needs to be part of the overall care of individuals prescribed these drugs.

Link to publication: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanhiv/article/PIIS2352-3018(24)00183-8/fulltext

A systematic review of qualitative research on recently acquired HIV


Recently acquired HIV is a critical time when people may experience debilitating symptoms and is when they are most likely to pass HIV on. Qualitative research offers insights into lived experiences and a deeper understanding of the contextual factors underlying HIV acquisition. We aimed to synthesize qualitative literature on recently acquired HIV.


Systematic review and textual narrative synthesis.


We searched MEDLINE, CINAHL Plus, PsycINFO and Sociology Database. Articles were screened, and two authors completed full text review and data extraction. Quality appraisal was conducted (Critical Appraisal Skills Programme Qualitative Studies Checklist) and certainty of findings graded (GRADE-CERQual).


We reviewed 1890 articles (1554 following de-duplication), excluding 1539. Fifteen articles were included and an additional article was included after updating the search. We identified 15 themes, three of which we have high confidence in: recent acquisition of HIV facilitates understanding of circumstances of HIV acquisition; indeterminate HIV tests generate uncertainty and anxiety; and people with recently acquired HIV are motivated to reduce risk of onward transmission.


Our findings highlight the importance of continued research into recently acquired HIV, as well as the need for support to manage the emotional impact of indeterminate test results and negotiate risk reduction. We found no studies exploring sexual risk in the context of recently acquired HIV, or use of pre-exposure prophylaxis or treatment as prevention. The literature is primarily focused on HIV acquisition from an individual and behavioural perspective, neglecting important aspects of lived experience such as immediate ART, stigma, and health and wellbeing.

Link to publication

CASCADE protocol: exploring current viral and host characteristics, measuring clinical and patient-reported outcomes, and understanding the lived experiences and needs of individuals with recently acquired HIV infection through a multicentre mixed-methods observational study in Europe and Canada


Despite the availability of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and antiretroviral therapy (ART), 21 793 people were newly diagnosed with HIV in Europe in 2019. The Concerted action on seroconversion to AIDS and death in Europe study aims to understand current drivers of the HIV epidemic; factors associated with access to, and uptake of prevention methods and ART initiation; and the experiences, needs and outcomes of people with recently acquired HIV.

Methods and analysis 

This longitudinal observational study is recruiting participants aged ≥16 years with documented laboratory evidence of HIV seroconversion from clinics in Canada and six European countries. We will analyse data from medical records, self-administered questionnaires, semistructured interviews and participatory photography. We will assess temporal trends in transmitted drug resistance and viral subtype and examine outcomes following early ART initiation. We will investigate patient-reported outcomes, well-being, and experiences of, knowledge of, and attitudes to HIV preventions, including PrEP. We will analyse qualitative data thematically and triangulate quantitative and qualitative findings. As patient public involvement is central to this work, we have convened a community advisory board (CAB) comprising people living with HIV.

Ethics and dissemination 

All respective research ethics committees have approval for data to contribute to international collaborations. Written informed consent is required to take part. A dissemination strategy will be developed in collaboration with CAB and the scientific committee. It will include peer-reviewed publications, conference presentations and accessible summaries of findings on the study’s website, social media and via community organisations.

Link to publication