Project Summary
This research is the Public Engagement arm of "Structural vulnerabilities and maternal health among Mexican indigenous population", a Wellcome Trust funded research project.
The project aims to engage women in their health through the development of a textile collective and public art project. We will be working in close collaboration with Fabrica Social, an organisation that works with Mexican indigenous women artisans in the development and promotion of their textile work. The textile collective will form the basis for discussions with the community about gender equity and how this impacts upon health. Discussions will be presented to the community in the form of a public art project.
Key Project Information
Dates: February 2015-February 2017
Principal Investigator: Dr Jennie Gamlin
Partner: Fabrica Social AC, Conservacion Humana AC
Location: Mexico (Jalisco State)
Funding: Wellcome Trust
- Research Team
Totupica Candelario (Conservacion Humana AC)
Dulce Martinez de la Rosa (Fabrica Social)
Susie Vickery (Textile artist)