A randomised controlled trial of an intervention delivered by mobile phone messaging to reduce sexually transmitted infections (STI) by increasing sexual health precaution behaviours in young people
Project Summary
Sexually transmitted infections are common in young people. They can cause important health problems, such as infertility. People are less likely to get an infection if they use condoms and get tested before they stop using condoms with a new partner. People with an infection are less likely to get another infection if they tell their partner.
Interventions delivered by text message can help people change their behaviour. In sexual health, until now, trials of interventions delivered by text message have been limited and the interventions have not been ideal. The interventions have not tried to help people tell partners about an infection, and have not used established behaviour change methods.
Safetxt is testing a new intervention to support young people delivered by text message. The support is designed to help young people use condoms, and get tested, and tell a partner about an infection. The support was developed with young people and experts, and uses behaviour change approaches.
Key Project Information
Dates: 22nd August 2016 - (ongoing)
UCL lead/Principal Investigator: Dr John Saunders
Lead organisation: London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Project lead: Dr Caroline Free
Partners: Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust
Location: UK
Funding: NIHR Public Health Research Programme
Contact: mmc-research-cnwl@nhs.net
Website: www.safetxt.lshtm.ac.uk/
Research Team: Rebecca Matthews