
Global Governance Institute


Climate Change and Health: Call for Papers

29 June 2015

The GGI, the UCL Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction, the UCL Institute for Global Health, and Many Strong Voices are co-hosting two workshops on climate change and health.

global warming

Health includes: Physical, mental, individual, community, animal, environmental. Global health and planetary health. Two workshops are being held at University College London, U.K. on climate change and health.

1. Arctic, 20-21 October 2015, leading to a book.

2. Small Island Developing States, 24-25 May 2016, leading to 1-2 journal issues and together with a panel proposal for "Anthropology, Weather and Climate Change" 27- 29 May (https://www.therai.org.uk/conferences/anthropology-weather-and-climatechange-2016)

Please submit a maximum 300-word abstract (plus listing up to five citations) for either workshop (or both) by 31 July to Ilan Kelman (ilan_kelman@hotmail.com)

For each workshop:
(a) Up to 20 proposals will be selected. The workshop format will be that draft papers are briefly presented and then critiqued through detailed discussion in order to give feedback for the book and journal issues.
(b) Food will be provided for each workshop, but apologies that neither travel nor accommodation could be covered. There is no registration fee.
(c) Up to 3 attendees will be asked to present on a panel for a public event one evening.
(d) A limited number of others may attend the workshop and participate in questions/discussion.

The workshops are run by the UCL Global Governance Institute, the UCL Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction, the UCL Institute for Global Health, and Many Strong Voices (http://www.manystrongvoices.org).