Private Authority in Global Health Governance
26 June 2014
An interview with Susan Sell, Professor of Political Science and International Affairs at George Washington University.

Professor Susan K. Sell (George Washington University) joined us at the Global Governance Institute (GGI) on 10 April to talk about private authority in global health governance. Susan was in town to participate in a workshop jointly convened by the IGG and UCL Institute of Global Health (IGH), supported by UCL Grand Challenges, on the political economy of global health, with a particular focus on non-communicable diseases.
Susan is one of the leading authorities on private power and global governance, having researched extensively in the area of health and intellectual property policy.
In conversation with Dr Tom Pegram, Deputy Director of the IGG, she reflects here on the opportunities and challenges which confront public health advocates, the growing complexity of global policy-making, and the potential for global public law to more effectively hold private actors accountable for health outcomes.
Watch the full video here: Interview with Susan Sell [YouTube]