
Global Governance Institute


Business Ethics, Supply Chains and a Living Wage

30 April 2014

The GGI hosted a roundtable event in April 2014 bringing together leading figures to discuss the question of business ethics, supply chains and a living wage.

Living wage

A relatively new issue-area, the campaign to embed a living wage into global supply chains, provides a powerful example of the interplay of ethical and business-led transformation. This event surveyed a rapidly evolving global policy domain and highlight some of the key questions likely to feature prominently in any concerted effort to establish a living wage in global supply chains, from the vantage point of four key governance actors: 

  1. Developing supplier-country government: Prof Jeremy Moon, Nottingham University
  2. Institutional investor: Dr Rory Sullivan, Ethix SRI Advisors
  3. Multinational corporation: Mr Luke Wilde, Director of Twenty Fifty
  4. International CSO: Ms Rachel Wilshaw, Ethical Trade Manager, Oxfam GB

The objective of the meeting was to take stock of current thinking on the living wage debate from a range of vantage points. By giving free rein to express positions in clear unequivocal terms (and acknowledging that they may be somewhat stereotypical), the participants contributed to mapping out the fundamental coordinates of the debate, the diverse incentives in play, stated and unstated assumptions, and how governance innovation may offer a solution to achieving the systematic payment of a living wage in global supply chains.

The evening was opened by UCL Institute of Global Governance Director Prof. David Coen and was followed by a diverse panel of business, human rights and supply chain experts, chaired by Mr Stephen Rubin (UCL Fellow).