
Global Governance Institute


Global Value Chain Disruptions: The Future of Production in 2020

30 September 2020, 1:00 pm–2:45 pm

Global transport network

What are key challenges affecting the future of global production and value chains? Join us for a public discussion on 30 September.

This event is free.

Event Information

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Simon Chin-Yee

In 2020 we are facing a range of large-scale challenges which may affect the way processes of production take place in the future. The COVID-19 pandemic, the growth of economic protectionism and the climate crisis are international issues that are already having a vast effect on global value chains. Such global scale challenges affect the ability for stable global production, including employment for the millions of people who work in global supply chains and the provision of needed products, i.e. goods and services. UCL’s School of Public Policy has brought together a set of speakers to discuss key challenges affecting the future of global production networks.

This event is hosted by the UCL School of Public Policy, with support from the Global Governance Institute. For more information visit the SPP event page

About the Speakers

Dr Rachel Alexander

Dr Rachel Alexander is an independent consultant, a senior research associate at the South African Research Chair in Industrial Development, University of Johannesburg and a visiting researcher in the Centre for Business and Development Studies at Copenhagen Business School, Denmark. The main focus of her work is sustainable production and industrial policy. Rachel is presenting the findings of a recently published report “Scale Matters: Scalability of Business Case Sustainability Initiatives in the Garment Industry”.

Dr Somjita Laha

Dr Somjita Laha is a Fellow at the Institute for Human Development in Delhi, India. Somjita received her post-graduate training in Economics and Development Studies from India and Netherlands. She completed her PhD from the University of Manchester and has also been a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. Her research interests include informality in global recycling networks, precarious labour processes, global value chains, environmental politics and governance, and gender and development. Apart from her academic research, she has experience in working with NGOs on refugee rights, waste management and environmental conservation.

Dr Shamel Azmeh 

Dr Shamel Azmeh is a lecturer at the Global Development Institute (GDI) at the University of Manchester. His research interests are: International political economy, global trade policy, global value chains, and the digital economy.

Dr Aarti Krishnan

Dr Aarti Krishnan is research fellow at the Global Development Institute, at the University of Manchester. She is an economist, working at the nexus between environmental, trade and development economics, with experience as a commodity derivate market analyst. Her areas of expertise include value chain analysis, green industrial policy, and sustainable digital development. Prior to Manchester, she has worked as a researcher at the Overseas Development Institute and in investment banking. Her research is across a range of countries in Asia and Africa, as well a breadth of sectors including agriculture and light manufacturing. 

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