Tips for when you are feeling homesick
20 February 2023
Homesickness is something that many university students face when living alone for the first time, especially if home is somewhere far away. Whether you're an international or domestic student, chances are, even if you haven't personally felt homesick, chances are you've probably encountered someone who does feel this way.
Below are some tips for helping you cope with not being at home.
- Keep physical photographs close to you
Photos are a great source of comfort when you’re settling in a new place. Almost every student who’s felt homesickness recommends it. Not only does it remind you of things that give you warmth, it is also a great way to decorate your room.
- Keep in touch with those you miss
Going to university changes a lot of things and working around schedules with your loved ones is not always easy. However, a simple text or a quick call with those that you miss can really help you in feeling more connected.
- Bring souvenirs
You never know when a keychain from a fun day at an amusement park or a little shell from the beach can be useful in reminiscing about old times while embracing your new life. Souvenirs from home can be good reminders.
- Cook food that is close to your heart
Food has been a big part of cultures across the world. Going to restaurants that offer dishes from your home or simply trying to recreate dishes that are close to your heart can go a long way in making you feel at ease when you miss home a little too much.
- Prioritise self care
It is very important to take care of yourself when you’re feeling homesick. Make sure that get plenty of fresh air and exercise to get that dopamine going.
- Remind yourself of your purpose
Coming to university is an invaluable experience and when you feel gloomy, it bodes well to remember your ‘why’ and to remind yourself of the reasons for which you decided to pursue higher education.
- Explore
The best way to get over the old is to appreciate the new. Go out and experience your new environment. You never know, you may find something that makes you feel warm! Engaging in your new surroundings can help you in assimilating in your new life more easily. It is a part of the process. These small steps are a good start.
- Be patient and kind to yourself
Homesickness comes and goes. Keep in mind that this is quite natural and rather akin to a rite of passage associated with leaving home. Give it time and patience, it too shall pass.
Happy moving!